Adriana Rodriguez


Hi, I'm Adriana! An avid storyteller and designer driven by compassion, curiosity and the desire to explore all areas of design that is centered around people and their stories. I’ve always been fascinated by the approach of storytelling and empathy that Pixar cultivates within its stories and try to bring those lessons and skills into my day to day life as a UX designer. Today, I foster those skills to improve the relationships between people, technology and the business needs. From experience in delivering design thinking methodologies to introducing accessibility standards to teams within RBC, I focused my skills to resonate more deeply within an audience ultimately driving engagement and growth. - Aside from design, you can find me scavenging the internet for new music, recipes and of course finding the latest telenovelas from across the world. But how about you? I’d love to know more about you, let's connect!


Kristopher Psarakis


Shane Ropp