Sheridan College Year End Show 2021
April 7 - 9, 2021
Join us for these events
Alumni Keynote:
Alex Thompson
Alex shares her journey of moving from intern to full time designer. She’ll share her personal struggle with comparison; both the ways she compared herself to other interns and the way she was compared to her peers at Sheridan. She’d like to send a message to all students (and recent grads) that “trajectory is more important than the position”.
April 7, 2021 at 2:00PM EST
Alumni Panel:
Post-graduation Anxiety
Join a panel of our alumni for an open talk on managing post-graduation anxiety. They’ll share stories and strategies that have helped them move their practice forward.
April 7, 2021 at 3:00PM-4:30PM EST
Portfolio Reviews:
Ari Agency
For those students who registered, have your work assessed and receive feedback from companies who hire newly-graduated interaction designers.
April 8, 2021 at 12:00PM EST
Industry Keynote:
Antionette D. Carroll
Antionette D. Carroll is building an intergenerational movement of Redesigners for Justice to co-create and reimagine a world in which racial equity and health equity are the status quo. Her driving belief is "Like all systems, systems of oppression, inequality, and inequity are by design. Therefore, they can be redesigned."
April 8, 2021 at 5:00PM EST
Creative Reaction Lab
This session will dive deeper into defining white supremacy and how it shows up beyond overt acts of hatred, explore how white supremacy is upheld in the ideologies and practices of “traditional” design thinking, and examine how we might shift design mindsets to more equitable, diverse, and inclusive practice.
April 9, 2021 at 12:00PM EST
YES Social:
Sheridan IXDA
The IXDA will host a virtual social where all students can attend network, play games, and celebrate the end of another academic year.