Lucas Di Monte


When I was a kid I wanted to be an archaeologist. I used to dress up like Indiana Jones and play, fantasizing about digging up artifacts and uncovering lost civilizations. In hindsight, what I really enjoyed was the thought of discovering things from our collective past that make us who we are.

When I grew up I didn't become an archaeologist, but I never lost that sense of wanting to be at the forefront of uncovering new things that shape and define us. So really, becoming a designer was the fulfillment of my childhood dreams...

But rather than discovering things from our past that make us who we are, my focus now is on discovering things from our present and future that will come to define us.

As a product designer I naturally gravitate towards innovation-based experiences that rely on new, emerging technologies, or on re-purposing existing technologies in novel ways—I like to design and build things you haven’t experienced before. 


Brandon D'Mello


Henry Djorgee