Pearson Huguenin

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My name is Pearson. I’m graduating from Interaction Design at Sheridan but I’m more than just a student. I’m also a creator, designer, film-maker, animator, teammate, friend, and according to my friends I’m pretty funny too. I love using my camera and computer as creative outlets when I’m not focusing on school and I’ve made a name for myself as a freelance videographer and designer. My interests stretch beyond just my creative hobbies. I’m an avid Leafs fan, I skateboard, I like to read, and I’m the champion of Settlers of Catan within my family. My interest in design is what led me to apply for this program, and now after 4 years of studying, plus a fascination with human psychology, I’ve developed a desire to optimize user experiences for people of all walks of life. I’m now looking to start a career in UX research in order to pursue this new passion.


Cici (Qian) Huang


Jeremy Hung