Gregory Metcalfe

A Photo of Greg Metcalfe

My name is Greg, I am a successful interaction designer with a passion for solving real-world problems with innovative solutions by working with multidisciplinary teams (Client Winner of the VIP Innovation Accelerator 2021). I am a huge advocate for teamwork by ensuring everyone on the team knows they’re valued and on task with the current project. I tend to be consistent at seeing the “bigger picture”, however, I also find great pleasure when it comes to problem-solving.

Passion and Empathy. I particularly enjoy connecting with new people and hearing their stories regardless of professional or cultural background because it helps me grow as a person and further understand the world around me so that I can build better inclusive solutions.

The top 3 things that I am passionate about are humanitarian initiatives that create solutions to benefit people, the user experience of video game elements such as user interface and gameplay flow, and lastly anything related to the music writing process.


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