Jordan “boyega” Akinlotan

I am an Afro-Caribbean Multidisciplinary designer, passionate about my craft and committed to being a life-long student of the game. The alias "boyega", reference to my middle name Adegboyega, is an attempt to ground myself in my identity and Nigerian roots, pursing my career with pride in my cultural background. My work shines in collaborative environments and spaces where my passions intersect--be it music, cinematography/filmography, video editing or other adjacent mediums.

This intersection and range is an area I'm most interested in refining. The jack of all trades get a bad rap; the true saying goes, "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." Experiences in different areas of design have helped strengthen my existing skills and broaden my scope, and I hope they'll continue to do so. One of my goals with my design is to make sure it reaches people across the spectrum of race, gender, sexuality and neurodiversity/physical ability.


Tim de Bernardo