Viking NAV

Legend has it that when Nav was born his parents found him in Fort Mcmurray, Alberta, Canada. Frozen in an ice cube which he had to be chiseled out of, later giving birth to the Viking Nav of today. While confirmation of the above legend has to be confirmed, what can be said about myself. I'm a definitive individual who has been raised in very diverse environments since day one. People have prided me about my individuality with some jealousy along the way but, at the end of the day, it can be said that “I am the real deal” This can be reflected when I set a personal goal for myself to travel and not only play hockey overseas. But also lived overseas more than once for multiple years. But along the way, there were some skills/credentials that were obtained along the way. First of which is an advertising/marketing and management background, allows me to consider the business aspect when working/designing etc…The second background I obtained is my Interaction Design background which allows me to utilize my creative way of thinking. While this exception has to end sometime, there are too many layers that makeup NAV. I suggest you check out my Linkedin profile to help you peel back more layers, and understand who I am.

(image coming soon!, for now will use my logo)


Hayoung Seok


Danielle Singh